Tuesday, May 4, 2010


How do you customize your blog background? I can't seem to figure out how to personalize it. I am just using the default stuff that is originally offered... can anyone help me?

Homeschooled and ahead!!!

Okay so yes I am homeschooled. Does that make me stupid? No! Actually it makes me smart...I'm not being full of myself, just think about it. I don't have to deal with teachers, or bullies, or peer pressure or anything! Plus I get one on one with my school work, and can work at my own pace. It's actually quite enjoyable. I am 16 and ending my junior year! I get to graduate earlier than others my age.
Right now I am working on finishing up Geometry. I usually HATE, like uberly hate, math, but Geometry actually has it's moments where it isn't too horrid! It is actually easy most of the time. Also, with me being homeschooled I can choose the classes I take and make my own graduation!
Later this month I get to take an online photography course. It is only six weeks, but I will still get credit for college! And for my graduation I can plan it to be whereever I want it to be! And when ever I want! I am thinking about having it at my boyfriend's Dad's church where a lot of the other homeschoolers have had theirs. Or I could try to have it at my old church! Idk, I'm still trying to figure it out! :-)
Anyways, this was pretty much just a rambling blog entry!
Have a nice day!