Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's about time I wrote about this. You knew it was coming I mean come on! It's a teen girls blog lol.
Okay. I fell for this guy. He is amazing. And yes, hot too lol! But his best friend, and mine too, loved him before me. Problem was he didn't like her like she liked him. He liked me. Long story short I went out with him. I got her over at my house the day after and told her in person about it. Well, she said it was all cool, she was just glad that he was with someone who wouldn't hurt him. End of my problems right? Wrong!
A month or so in the relationship he started hanging out with her again. I was cool with it I mean they were best friends after all. Who was I to try to break apart their friendship? I didn't get that much time with him when school started back. Everyday during the class where I just had her in it she would tell me how awesome he was, how much fun they had hanging out, how they texted all the time blah, blah, blah. Well needless to say it started to piss me off. My last relationship the guy I fell head over heels for fell in love with his bff and I heard how much better she was than me and what not. So I told them about that and how the reason I was pissed off was because this relationship was starting to make me feel like that one did. Except the guy I was falling for didn't like the bff that way.
She didn't stop. So what did I do? I broke up with him so I wouldn't ruin any of our friendships. A day or two later she was talking about dating him. I could have rung her neck I swear. That weekend me and the guy texted three days straight almost. It was great! I still liked him and hated not being with him.
Not even a week from being broken up we are now back together. Am I crazy? I don't think so. The only reason was because the girl wouldn't shut up. I decided you can never reason with a child so why shouldn't I date the dude I liked? I like him, he likes me. Why should I let her keep me from being happy? I shouldn't. Why did I write this blog entry? I'm bored and finally decided to type it out to get it out of my system lol. Till next time.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

WoW uPdAtE

I haven't been on this thing in forever. First off I would like to have a moment of silence for two people I lost recently. Patricia Barfield: 11-11-2010 and Jake Miller: 10-16-2010.

*moment of silence*


Now for an update. I am no longer homeschooled due to events that have happened in my life. It was purely my choice and was a pretty good one at that if I don't say so myself. I am now attending QCHS and have made a TON of new friends. We even have our own group that I helped create! The Animal Pack! Members include: The Musically Sadistic Ferret, Pegasus/Charlie the Unicorn, Bunny Wiggles The Super Bunny, and Paco The Mexican Super Penguin (me... don't ask).
A lot of things have change in my life. I've become a stronger person, I've learned how grief and true heartache feels, and I've also learned the importance of having friends! I will probably write more detailed blogs on those subjects at a later date. This was just an update for any readers out there. I promise this blog will become more interesting as time goes by!
Thank you for reading this random update!