Saturday, February 5, 2011

WoW uPdAtE

I haven't been on this thing in forever. First off I would like to have a moment of silence for two people I lost recently. Patricia Barfield: 11-11-2010 and Jake Miller: 10-16-2010.

*moment of silence*


Now for an update. I am no longer homeschooled due to events that have happened in my life. It was purely my choice and was a pretty good one at that if I don't say so myself. I am now attending QCHS and have made a TON of new friends. We even have our own group that I helped create! The Animal Pack! Members include: The Musically Sadistic Ferret, Pegasus/Charlie the Unicorn, Bunny Wiggles The Super Bunny, and Paco The Mexican Super Penguin (me... don't ask).
A lot of things have change in my life. I've become a stronger person, I've learned how grief and true heartache feels, and I've also learned the importance of having friends! I will probably write more detailed blogs on those subjects at a later date. This was just an update for any readers out there. I promise this blog will become more interesting as time goes by!
Thank you for reading this random update!


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