Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Have you ever....

Have you ever had a total and unexplanable break-down?
Yesterday my mind was jumbled with so much stuff just flying around it, I thought it was going to explode! I just couldn't for the life of me, organize my thoughts. I was thinking about my future, my friends, getting a tattoo, how I failed a geometry test and had to retake it that night, how I just wanted to hang out with my friends, what I was going to do about my art, and work after I graduated. Thinking about what I should do about my graduation, I had to draw somethings for contests of deviantArt, I had to finish a project to give to my friend, there were things I wanted to buy but that I couldn't buy them because I had to pay someone back for something. UGH I was just going crazy!
So after my bf went back to work I went in my room, sat on my bed, and cried. I cried harder than I have ever cried before. I was even screaming. I know this all sounds so dramatic, but my mind was so jumbled with stuff that crying and screaming was the only thing I could do. So the rest of the day I was frustrated because of the way I felt.
But after talking to Jake about it and talking to my bf Hannah about it, distracting myself with a video game and getting some much needed sleep, I now feel better. But there is still that feeling in the back of my mind. Telling me that once I let my guard down, it's going to come back and I will break-down yet again.

Has anyone else ever felt that way or am I alone in this?


Okay so this is a subject most to all parents would look down upon. But I am here to talk from experience, sorta.
If you are planning on getting a tattoo, make sure to THINK about it really good! I've been dying to get a tattoo since I was little. I have the chance to get one whenever now because my brother is doing tattoos. But the thing is I can't decide. I keep thinking I'm ready and have figured out the design I want and then I think of another design. So what I did to keep from going insane or getting something I would get bored with after a while was I decided to wait till after I turned 18 to decide.
The thing is I know what I want! I just want too much and can't decide on which one to get first!
So for all you teens out there who want a tattoo and are getting frustrated, because you can't decide exactly what you want yet... just wait! Wait until you turn eighteen. Till school and the effects of hormones and what not are out of the way!