Sunday, March 28, 2010

Halo obsession...

Okay, so my bf is TOTALLY obsessed with Halo. No not the angel halo, or Beyonce's song halo... I'm talking about the game series. He owns Halo 1-3, Halo Wars, Halo 3 ODST, a ton of Halo legos, Halo actionclix, Halo Board Game, and Halo Wars risk. He also has a Halo poster, Halo pajamas and a Halo t-shirt.
Now you see how he is obsessed! But, he is not the only one. He is slowly but, I think, surely turning me. Is that a bad thing... to some people yes, it is a bad thing, to me... Not so much! I kind of like it! Halo is fun. I have beaten Halo 1-3 and just started Halo Wars! I don't discourage this obsession, because I like the games too. Oh and I forgot he also has a Halo book series, Halo Encyclopedia, and Halo Legends, the first Halo movie ever. Have I watched it? Yes. Was it good? Definitely!
So, are there any other Halo obsessed people out there? Or anyone with questions concerning this world wide gaming phenomena?


Anime... Ain't it great?! XD

Okay... so I haven't seen a lot of it... but I definitely love it! Anime, manga, there is just something about it that draws me to it. It's awesome! XD I have watched Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Devil May Cry, Death Note, and some of Naruto... and I think that is all so far. I haven't completed all of the series' yet. But they are really good so far. One day after I move out and get settled in to my own home, I plan on starting to cosplay my favorite characters!
What do you think of Anime's? And which one's are you favorites?!


Friday, March 26, 2010

Sickness... Does it ever make sense?

It's odd how, even though you take medicine that fits your symptoms, they seem to grow. Why is it that a simple aching throat could turn into a cold? It would seem that if you take medicine for it, it would disappear and leave you alone. But not the case all the time.
My throat started out just hurting some. I started to take some medicine for it. Well, two days later I have a stuffy nose, the pain in my throat has grown, drainage has appeared, coughing attacked, ear pain accompanied, and a stopped up nose has started to form!
I know, ya'll probably didn't want to know all that, but it just amazes me. How? Because the doctors tell you if you catch the sickness as it is starting, and you begin to treat it immediately, then you can "stop it in it's tracks!" But a better saying for me is "it always get worse, before it gets better." Is this the first time that such a small pain turned into a full on sickness? No. A while back (like a year or so ago), I was having some troubles (forgot the symptoms I had), but it reminded the doctors of Mono. So, they immediately tested me for it. They didn't find anything.
Well, I come back a week later, still feeling like crud, and they test me again. Guess what?! ...
They found signs of mono in my blood. Yipee. I got worse.
But I guess it isn't a bad thing, or maybe it is, whatever. Either way, it is something I have to get use to I guess.
End of transmission...


2:24 And still, sleep escapes me.

Sleep has still stayed at the brim of my consciousness. Why won't it come foward and ingulf me?! The one time it has all the permission to take over and put me under that comforting blanket of darkness and sweet dreams...and it taunts me by making me feel sleepy, but not letting me fall asleep. Is it because I am sick? Probably, but still, when you are sick aren't you suppose to be able to go to sleep faster? This is what confuses me. Maybe I am just odd. I am the opposite of most people, maybe.
Oh sleep come to me, my thoat has stopped it's aching, the coughs have subsided, but yet I am still awake! I have tried to do things that usually make me tired and want to sleep. I played Halo, I have been on my computer for a while now, if you count the total hours of usage today that is.
Well, maybe it shall come to me soon. Hopefully really soon. That or tomorrow will be the first day that I sleep till noon...naw, that probably won't happen. I guess we will see tomorrow huh?
Goodnight and sleep tight!


Entry 1... hee hee I'm excited!!

Okay! First entry to my latest, and hopefully to become, my greatest blog!
I have absolutely no idea what to talk about now.
... *sound of crickets*
*clears throat... or tries*
Well, for one thing I am sick. I have some kind of stupid throat thing-a-ma-bob, and it really sucks. It is like 1:46 a.m and I am AWAKE!!! I guess it is a good thing I get to sleep in tomorrow. But, I have the luck where if I get to sleep in I wake up early. ... Yeah, it's weird.
Maybe I should start off this blog telling you, the readers, about myself huh?!

Well, I am 16 years old. I am starting this blog in hopes to get some popularity on the interweb. You see I dream of becoming a writer...or hope to become a writer, artist, animator, photography, model, designer, or something creative and fun like that...but to start I am going to try writing a blog and see how that starts out.
If I up and disappear on you, then you should now I probably forgot about this thing. Being so early in the morning and all, I don't know if I will remember anything right now! Ha!
Okay back to telling you about me.

I was born in Southern California, but I was raised, mostly, in a small, dull, town in North East Texas. We are such a small town, we are not on a map, just the town above us is. I am homeschooled. I have been homeschooled since the seventh grade. Why? Because I got sick and tired of the annoying tards at public school. I'm not saying everyone is bad, but there are a lot of people who would be more tolerable if they acted..what are the words I'm looking for...intelligent? Excepting? Idk, I just know that they could have acted and talked a lot better than they did if they tried.
I have my drivers license and a car already! Yeah me! (as Londan Tipton of the Suite Life would say). I got lucky enough to get my sister-in-laws old car because after I got my license she got a new car. I think they planned it and let me think it was some weird accident. ;)
Along with art, I like to look at cars, listen to all sorts of music (mostly rock, alternative, and... well that's about it of the major music on my i-pod... oh yeah and some classical), I like to be on the internet (obviously), hanging out with my friends, I like to play sports (even though with homeschooling you have less chances to do so, that is unless you like ballet and gymnastics... I'm not that big of a fan in participating in those events), and let's see... Oh yeah! I also have started becoming a video game nerd. Right now I am still a noob, but just wait! I will become great! (maybe) Okay so there is a lot more stuff about me, but I think I might end up boring ya'll with the details so this is the end of this post!