Friday, March 26, 2010

Entry 1... hee hee I'm excited!!

Okay! First entry to my latest, and hopefully to become, my greatest blog!
I have absolutely no idea what to talk about now.
... *sound of crickets*
*clears throat... or tries*
Well, for one thing I am sick. I have some kind of stupid throat thing-a-ma-bob, and it really sucks. It is like 1:46 a.m and I am AWAKE!!! I guess it is a good thing I get to sleep in tomorrow. But, I have the luck where if I get to sleep in I wake up early. ... Yeah, it's weird.
Maybe I should start off this blog telling you, the readers, about myself huh?!

Well, I am 16 years old. I am starting this blog in hopes to get some popularity on the interweb. You see I dream of becoming a writer...or hope to become a writer, artist, animator, photography, model, designer, or something creative and fun like that...but to start I am going to try writing a blog and see how that starts out.
If I up and disappear on you, then you should now I probably forgot about this thing. Being so early in the morning and all, I don't know if I will remember anything right now! Ha!
Okay back to telling you about me.

I was born in Southern California, but I was raised, mostly, in a small, dull, town in North East Texas. We are such a small town, we are not on a map, just the town above us is. I am homeschooled. I have been homeschooled since the seventh grade. Why? Because I got sick and tired of the annoying tards at public school. I'm not saying everyone is bad, but there are a lot of people who would be more tolerable if they acted..what are the words I'm looking for...intelligent? Excepting? Idk, I just know that they could have acted and talked a lot better than they did if they tried.
I have my drivers license and a car already! Yeah me! (as Londan Tipton of the Suite Life would say). I got lucky enough to get my sister-in-laws old car because after I got my license she got a new car. I think they planned it and let me think it was some weird accident. ;)
Along with art, I like to look at cars, listen to all sorts of music (mostly rock, alternative, and... well that's about it of the major music on my i-pod... oh yeah and some classical), I like to be on the internet (obviously), hanging out with my friends, I like to play sports (even though with homeschooling you have less chances to do so, that is unless you like ballet and gymnastics... I'm not that big of a fan in participating in those events), and let's see... Oh yeah! I also have started becoming a video game nerd. Right now I am still a noob, but just wait! I will become great! (maybe) Okay so there is a lot more stuff about me, but I think I might end up boring ya'll with the details so this is the end of this post!


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