Friday, March 26, 2010

Sickness... Does it ever make sense?

It's odd how, even though you take medicine that fits your symptoms, they seem to grow. Why is it that a simple aching throat could turn into a cold? It would seem that if you take medicine for it, it would disappear and leave you alone. But not the case all the time.
My throat started out just hurting some. I started to take some medicine for it. Well, two days later I have a stuffy nose, the pain in my throat has grown, drainage has appeared, coughing attacked, ear pain accompanied, and a stopped up nose has started to form!
I know, ya'll probably didn't want to know all that, but it just amazes me. How? Because the doctors tell you if you catch the sickness as it is starting, and you begin to treat it immediately, then you can "stop it in it's tracks!" But a better saying for me is "it always get worse, before it gets better." Is this the first time that such a small pain turned into a full on sickness? No. A while back (like a year or so ago), I was having some troubles (forgot the symptoms I had), but it reminded the doctors of Mono. So, they immediately tested me for it. They didn't find anything.
Well, I come back a week later, still feeling like crud, and they test me again. Guess what?! ...
They found signs of mono in my blood. Yipee. I got worse.
But I guess it isn't a bad thing, or maybe it is, whatever. Either way, it is something I have to get use to I guess.
End of transmission...


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