Sunday, March 28, 2010

Halo obsession...

Okay, so my bf is TOTALLY obsessed with Halo. No not the angel halo, or Beyonce's song halo... I'm talking about the game series. He owns Halo 1-3, Halo Wars, Halo 3 ODST, a ton of Halo legos, Halo actionclix, Halo Board Game, and Halo Wars risk. He also has a Halo poster, Halo pajamas and a Halo t-shirt.
Now you see how he is obsessed! But, he is not the only one. He is slowly but, I think, surely turning me. Is that a bad thing... to some people yes, it is a bad thing, to me... Not so much! I kind of like it! Halo is fun. I have beaten Halo 1-3 and just started Halo Wars! I don't discourage this obsession, because I like the games too. Oh and I forgot he also has a Halo book series, Halo Encyclopedia, and Halo Legends, the first Halo movie ever. Have I watched it? Yes. Was it good? Definitely!
So, are there any other Halo obsessed people out there? Or anyone with questions concerning this world wide gaming phenomena?


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